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Enjoying Outdoor

Do You Want Your Own Practice?

We can help you get there.


We guide you on how to utilize two national companies for most insurance. All we require is 16% of what you bill through us, mostly Medicaid and regional companies.


We set you up with ALMA and Headway, which provide access to commercial UHC, Aetna, Cigna and Anthem. Headway is also working on Medicare options. The percentage you pay for billings that must go outside of Headway and ALMA covers our actual cost of billing service and to credential you with the companies we have in our group contracts. You do not share in any of your proceeds from Headway and ALMA.


The association provides you access to most insurance carriers that work in Wisconsin. The more our organization grows, the more we are able to add other services and spend money on social media marketing for the counselors. As our billing increases, our percentage cost per dollar decreases. Those savings are passed on to members with a reduced share of your billing to the maintain the association. There is power in numbers. The more we drive down outside costs, the less we all pay and the more we keep.


Each fully-licensed counselor and prescriber must be credentialed under the association, but we cover that cost as part of the 16% percentage. This saves you thousands of up-front fees. We have counselors who can supervise counselors in training who have the IT license. Practicum students are welcome but are not allowed to see patients without a licensed person present. That is outside of state law.


The more people join us, the more cost-efficient we become. Instead of profiting from your work, we cover our costs and share any possible savings.


We make this effort as counselor-friendly as we can. We encourage you, with an invite, to join ALMA and Headway, giving you higher rates of reimbursement than our contracts allow for commercial UHC, Anthem, Cigna and Aetna. We will show you how to utilize those services. You can always use our contracts but you will make more with the two services. We keep those companies in the group for ITs who cannot use ALMA or Headway, until fully-licensed.


We teach and coach. We do NOT control. ALMA also has a telehealth platform and you can use their site for EHR, even for companies they don't have. That's part of their $125 monthly fee, but the increased reimbursement rates surely make it worth their monthly membership. We encourage ITs to use Simple Practice for supervision and records, until they are licensed and can use ALMA.


For other commercial insurance and Medicaid and, soon, Medicare, we provide access to the vast majority of Wisconsin MCOs that manage Medicaid funds, like Chorus, Dean, Quartz, UHC, Anthem*, MHS, I-Care, Network Health and others. We also have Common Ground and work with people who have other insurance via the ACA.


We make it simple with time sheets to our billing company. They keep track of the rendering provider. You collect your own co-pays or you can have ALMA do it for you, even if you bill through a company they don't carry. We can show you how. We do not touch your co-pays.


Payments are made from Headway every other week and ALMA pays every week. The alliance pays immediately when the EOB and payment arrive and can do so via Paypal, Cashapp or a check.


There are too many clinics that are money machines for the owners, at the expense of the counselor. Not all are bad. Some treat people very well. Some don't. This is another option, with freedom to practice as you wish, with a strong team of experienced people to help you with questions and direction. We will help counselors working for the good clinics, if the ownership wants counselors to have Medicaid and Medicare access. If you want an office, we suggest looking at the Regus system of renting as you need. They have offices throughout the major metro areas of the state.


As for marketing, Dr. Probst spent 20 years in the media business and is very adept at social media marketing. We do strongly suggest a Psychology Today profile and, once licensed, you become licensed in additional states to work through ALMA and Headway. This way, you will maintain a strong case load and most of your income will likely come from Headway and ALMA but you don't have to turn other people away.


Come along with us and be free, making much more per session or med evaluation than you can elsewhere!


* means we do have difficulty with their Medicaid claims, not impossible, just problematic.

Dr. Probst helped to develop a substantial clinic group, prior to having a falling out over practices he thought to be questionable. He is an adjunct professor for three universities and a great coach and mentor.


He is also at Level One of the autism spectrum and fully understands and has great empathy for those who struggle with differences.


He is an author with a book on Amazon with many 5-star reviews on the topic of teen anxiety.


He produces a weekly radio segment called "Here's a Thought, with Dr. Gary Probst" that airs on numerous radio stations and the audio feeds of WGN and NewsNation.





(262) 239-7511


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