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You have found the help you need.

We are not a profit-driven organization. All of our member providers have pledged to help all people, accepting Medicaid and Medicare patients and referring within our membership to counselors and medication providers who can do the most good for the patient. We serve patients in offices but many rely on telehealth, so we can help people anywhere in Wisconsin. From Superior to Milwaukee, we are licensed to help all people in Wisconsin.

What brought this about?

Many of us are tired of the typical for-profit or large clinic model of mental health care. We feel it is not the best option for the patient. By working as a team of individual practice owners, we can work with a team without health care bureaucracy and politics. We have a personal stake in the care of each patient. We do what is right for each patient. We have a wide variety of skills and can help you.

For an appointment, email us or call the phone number below.





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