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  • Writer's pictureGary Probst

Change Your Inner Dialogue to Heal.

What do you have to do today? What should you do? Such words make us feel obligation to something we may even find unimportant. Some of the most damaging thoughts involve "gotta", "shoulda", "woulda" "coulda" type statements.

As you change your inner language, you change our outlook. Instead of have to, say I'm going to. Instead of should have, realize you learned something and give yourself a pat on the back for picking up a lesson that you can use for next time.

Rid yourself of obligatory language. Society uses such phrases and conditioning to make us productive, but, only for the short-term. Long-term obligatory thoughts make us unhappy, defeat our sense of self and batter our self-esteem. When you beat yourself up, you weaken your resolve and your sense of value. Simply, don't do that!

Saying you are "going to" do something is far better than saying you "have to". Empower yourself with positive, forward-moving statements.

If you are having issues with obligation, guilt, shame and other deflating and negative emotions, contact one of our counselors. It may be the result of genetic anxiety, also, therefore, contact one of our nurse prescribing professionals for a possible antidepressant that will fight back against negative conclusions about yourself.

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